A Day of a Lexington Kid

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Teachers greet each child as they arrive and welcome them into the classroom. Children are given an opportunity to sign-in with their teacher and choose a job for the day. Children are able to ease into their day and spend time exploring.

Meals and Snacks

Children are served a nutritious breakfast lunch and snack. Our lunches are provided by AgraCulture. Our meals and snack times provide additional opportunities for teachers to engage in enriching conversations with children and children are encouraged to build self-help skills through washing their hands before eating, setting the table, serving themselves, and cleaning up their space when they are finished.

Active Learning

Children are given an opportunity to plan their play and explore all of the centers in the classroom. Discovery centers include blocks, dramatic play, writing, math & science, manipulatives, art, and sensory. Active learning fosters social, emotional, language and literacy skills as children engage in play with their peers. Discovery centers include opportunities to explore the thematic learning topic of each month.

Small Group Opportunities

Small group learning provides children with an opportunity for more focused learning with peers that is responsive to each child’s individual goals and needs.

Large Motor

Children are provided a minimum of two scheduled large motor times during the day. Children enjoy playing outside or in our indoor gymnasium when the weather keeps us indoors.

Large Group Time

Large group time fosters a sense of community among the children. Teachers and children greet each other and the teacher will provide opportunities for interactive learning.

Read Aloud

Focuses on developing language and literacy skills. Teachers introduce new vocabulary and ask questions to build story comprehension.


Children nap on cots in their classrooms after lunch. Non-nappers are provided with quiet actives to stay engaged during this time.


Children practice mindfulness and physical movement as part of our social-emotional learning curriculum. Techniques learned during this time are implemented throughout the day.

Art/Creative Activities

Planned art and creative experiences happen daily and provide visual and sensory stimuli. Children are given opportunities to create, respond to, and evaluate art in a variety of different media.


Children are provided with opportunities throughout the day to listen to, create and move to a variety of different types of music. Musical instruments are available in each class for children to explore different sounds and rhythms.


Children are provided with planned learning opportunities in a variety of subject areas each afternoon. Enrichment topics can vary but usually include math & science, Spanish, theater, music and art.


Summer Programming


Yoga Calm